Some time ago, I started a new quilt for my bedroom. I have made lots of quilts in my time, but they are rarely for me. I finally decided on a pattern for my own quilt, and spent quite a bit of time hunting down fabrics in just the shades I wanted. Finally, I started the quilt early last fall, with the intention of having it done and on my bed this winter.
Well, then there was a baby shower quilt to make, and then the holidays happened, and…..well….shit. Time just got away from me.
Now I am starting to feel the pressure as I have some sewing I really want to do for my sister, who is expecting in June, and I was putting off working on my quilt any more until I got her projects done. However, I have no fabric. I have not been able to pick out fabric for my niece’s quilt, and I’m going to need my sister’s help to do so. I want the quilt to be perfect. So, since I had some time this weekend, and I discovered how wonderful my new sewing machine is LAST weekend, I bit the bullet and dug into the quilt pile again.
Last night I completed all 36 blocks for the top of the quilt and trimmed them. Now I just need to spend some time on it (hopefully this Sunday, if all goes according to plan. HA!) joining the blocks in the pattern I have planned and putting the borders on. Then all that will be left is to take it to the quilter and put the binding on when I get it back. But, realistically, the plan is to get the top done and then go back to baby projects. There’s no way I’d get it back before the cold weather passes at this point anyway, so I might as well wait until I have the cash saved up for the quilting service anyway. But at least it will be done and off my list so I can work on other things.
Here are the finished blocks:
I'm sorry - I haven't picked out fabrics. I'm overwhelmed by all the un-fun things that need to be done. :(