Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Night at the Fair

Okay, I have to start with this little disclaimer. Our. Fair. Sucks. Every year it gets worse and worse and has less and less to offer. For example, to my amazement upon arriving at the county fairgrounds last night, the fair this year doesn't have a, wait for it, wait for it....MERRY-GO-ROUND. What the hell kind of fair doesn't have a Merry-go-Round? Seriously.
Anyway, we go every year, and since he was a baby, T has always been enthralled by the truck and tractor pulls, which is tonight. So, since there is painfully little to do around here on an average day, pretty much everyone goes to the fair, almost every night of the week. Including us. Last night was our night to ride the rides. Last year T was able to ride a couple of the smaller rides, with me holding him. This year its a whole new ball game. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, what with him being the tentative little boy that he is, but I think its true what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words....


  1. Great pictures! He looks like he's having a great time!

  2. What a cutie! At least you are making the most of what you have, even if the fair sucks.

  3. You got some great pictures out of it anyway. What a heart-breaker!


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