Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm so going to cry!

My son is starting school. Yes, that's right, we got the official enrollment papers yesterday. T is starting preschool on August 11th. My baby is growing up! Its an all-day program, so he'll be going to school 5 days a week starting next month. Just wait until I post the picture of him with his backpack, and then one of his mama crying like a baby! On the upside, this also means that my ongoing daycare drama is finally going to come to an end.


  1. I know how you exactly how you feel! When the 15 year old had his last day of pre-school I was a mess! Now this fall the princess is going to kindergarten...I might actually have to take the day off to pull myself back together!

  2. Awww ... that's sweet. But hey, he's going off to learn new things, try new stuff and make new friends.

    And mommy can occasionally have a day to learn new things, try new stuff and make new friends.

    Sounds like a good deal.


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