Monday, March 28, 2011

On The Road Again!

That’s right, its ROAD TRIP time!

Well, okay, its ALMOST road trip time. This summer, though I can hardly believe it, is my TWENTY year high school reunion. (good lord, I am getting old...when the hell did TWENTY years go by?)

I have decided that I’m going to make the trip back “home” for the event, both to attend the reunion and to visit with friends and family I haven’t seen in quite some time. Much of my extended family remains in that area, while my immediate family has moved to the east coast. Instead of flying, as I originally intended, I’ve decided that Ty and I are going to make it a drive trip. Since school will be out for the summer, I am going to take a couple of extra days off and we’re going to “visit” our way out, stopping along the way to see people we don’t often connect with in person.

So, here’s the route:
We’re going to take the southern route on the way there and the northern route on the return trip, stopping in Indianapolis and South Bend, respectively, to break up the trip and see some folks.
UPDATE: I forgot to mention I'll most likely be visiting someone in Sandusky as well, so Cleveland will probably be on the agenda!
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I was just wondering if anyone else happens to live along the way that would like to see our smiling faces! Or, if you have any suggestions for interesting places to stop and stretch our legs. This will be Ty’s longest road trip to-date, so we’ll be stopping often to make it easier on him. Other than the two previously mentioned stops, I will probably also pull the train over in the Elkhart/Shipshewana, Indiana area to talke a stroll around the Amish shops there. Other than that, I’m open!

We’ve got some time to plan this, but I figured I’d put it out there now to see if anyone has suggestions.

Can’t wait to see everyone again! I’ve been missing Toledo!


  1. yay for road trips! They are sooo much fun! Have a good time when you go this summer. :)

  2. I added your blog to my Google reader because of your chocolate bacon jalepeno bars seemed intriguing.

    Did a double-take looking at your route, I am currently in Lansing but have begun house shopping in Toledo to be close to my family and friends.

    Don't forget to pick up a dozen of Barry's Bagels. And eat at Beirut. Unless that interefered with getting a gyro from J&G's. Good golly, shop for a gym for me before I make the move back!

  3. After you drive back into Illinois from Indiana, you will drive right past my house on I-55 just before you get to Joliet.

    R & I travel in our motorhome, we're in Arizona right now, but if you're interested in stopping by contact me with more info.

  4. Sounds so fun!!! =) See you in South Bend!

  5. Depending on when you are passing through, I will either be in Cleveland, Indianapolis (north side) or close to Elkhart/Shipshewana/South Bend. My family lives in N. Indiana, my husband's family lives in Indy, and of course, I am south of Cleveland. I'm pretty sure you might catch us in one of those locations since we have some trips planned to Indiana this summer. Send me an email with more details if you wanna meet up. : )


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