Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shhhhh....its a Secret!

Ok, so its not really a secret, since I'm about to let it out of the bag. My two year blogaversary is coming up in July and I have a very special giveaway planned for the occasion.

I'm not going to blow the surprise completely by telling you what it is (ok, you know I don't have it yet, but I have a great plan ready to put into action!), but it is definitely going to be cooking related (unless, of course, one of my non-foodie followers wins, then I may make a special exception).

So here's the deal.... I will announce the winner on July 9, the day after my actual blogaversary (which is July 8)! So, here are the rules.

Ok, there is only one rule.

Y'all are going to have to start commenting in order to be eligible to win.

Yep, that's right all you lurking readers, this is your chance to step up and win a great prize. I've been feeling neglected lately (yes, Tom, I know. I'm a needy, whiny, comment whore) so between June 8 and July 8, everyone who comments on anything I post during that time frame gets entered into the drawing.
One comment, one entry. Ten comments, ten entries. (I probably should amend that, and say REAL comments. I don't want to see a bunch of one-word comments from the same person just to bump up their chances...yeah, you know you were thinking about it!)

So get ready, everyone! I want to give this prize to the person who wants it the most!



  1. So think of this as a practice comment. Happy almost 2 year blogaversary :)

  2. Oh, tricky! Seriously idea. Congrats on your upcoming blogoversary. Winning things is fun. ;)

  3. OH, I love prizes!! I guess I need to stop lurking in the background....

  4. Oh Beth, You're not that whiny...

    Congrats on two years, though! In my experience, most blogs are just lame vanity pieces that quickly die when the author loses interest. The Seventh Level, however, has stood the tests of time and tedium to bring us your strange adventures in experimental cooking. And while there has always been a glaring lack of potato recipes, I'd have to admit that your writings have improved my life.

    So keep up the good work! Here's to another year and a half at least!

  5. So I can't comment 10 times on one post? Yum. Looks good. You rock. lol.

    Comment whore. I love it. Me too : )

    Congratulations on your upcoming blogoversary. I'm right behind 2 year is coming up in October.

    Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!

  6. I like the bribery. You are a girl after my own heart :P

  7. It's funny, every now and again, I'll randomly bring some eats to share at work. A couple of people know that the recipes are usually from your blog and as they take a bite they always tell me to say to my cuz. Of course, being the flake that I am, it usually doesn't get passed on (sorry). Shout out from the 909 cuz ... you rock!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I love getting your feedback!