Monday, September 14, 2009


Last week, I was lucky enough to have someone give me their seats to the St Louis Rams vs Kansas City Chiefs preseason game in St Louis. Now, it always seems to be my luck that whenever and opportunity like this cones up, circumstances always prevent me from taking advantage of it. Well, this time, for once, I was not about to let that happen. You see, I am a HUGE Chiefs fan, and we had planned to get tickets to the Dallas Cowboys @ Kansas City Chiefs game in October at Arrowhead stadium, but it did not end up working out that we could get tickets (Still working on that). Me, being the Chiefs fan, and the hubs being a life long Cowboys game, its bound to be a very interesting game, if we get to go.That being said, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to take Little Man to his first pro football game. Free tickets….close to home…..and it’s a preseason game, so I wouldn’t be missing out on any great action if it proved to be too much drama for Ty and we had to leave early. It ended up being a great night, if not a great game, with my good friend Chris in tow (I’m not sure who enjoyed their foam fingers more, Ty or Chris). We didn’t end up staying for the whole game, but the boys sure had a great time, and Ty got his first introduction to pro football. He also learned a very important phrase…. GO CHIEFS!!!

1 comment:

  1. GO Cowboys!! from Another Lifelong Cowboys Fan

    After all, there's no one at home to really root for on the football field.

    (The Cardinals were bad, but loveable. The Rams? They were OK years ago. Now they generally suck.)


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