Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hearts Galore

I have been collecting little goodies to put in 'treat bags' for the Ty's classmates for Valentine's Day. Mini bottles of bubbles, crayons, snacks and other items. Browsing around on the Current Catalog website, I came across a package of heart shaped erasers on clearance for $1.06, so I added them to my order. What didn't click right away is that it was a package of 144.

Even after putting THREE in each of the treat bags, I still have 117 left. So, here's my dilemma. what exactly does one DO with 117 leftover mini heart shaped erasers? Hmmm?


  1. You could always donate them to a youth group of some sort...

  2. I think some kind of jewelry would be in order....

  3. lol I did mention that these are ERASERS, right?


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