Friday, January 16, 2009


Well, folks, its Friday afternoon, and my brain shut off for the weekend hours ago. Its been a long, crazy, back-breaking couple of weeks at the office, and I am ready for some R&R, and quite probably some bonding time with my new wine fridge and its contents.

We have company coming in again this weekend for deer season, which will mean a night out tomorrow night, and me cooking a big breakfast on Sunday morning, but I am hoping for some quiet time to work on my quilt, or some new jewelry, or both. Maybe even some “girl time” with a friend, and lunch plus a wine tasting in Springfield. Who knows….maybe I’ll get some down-time for a change. In the mean time, I just wanted to wish you all a relaxing weekend, full of comfy clothes, warm feet, and good wine. Ciao!


  1. Love the picture of Ty with Herky! Go Hawkeyes!

  2. Relaxing Weekend? So far, so good.
    Comfy clothes. Check.
    Warm feet. Check.
    Good wine? OOPS! I knew something was missing. i've got no more driving to do today. Let's see if we can't check off this box, too!


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