Monday, November 24, 2008

Its all my fault....

Yep, I made a big point of warning you all that there would be horribly disturbing pictures of deer hunters and their trophies....

I should have kept my big, gaping pie-hole shut.

Out of our entire group, only one person got a deer and it was just an average sized doe.

So, yeah, no pictures. Oh yeah, and we didn't really get the amount of company I was expecting, so I still have a vat of bloody mary mix left over and several bottles of wine.

I guess I won't have any trouble getting through the holidays!


  1. Sorry for all your disgruntled hunters, but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this. Score 1 for Bambi! :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A vat of bloody mary's? sounds like you need to have a serious blogger party! Just make sure you have plenty of Vodka!


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