Thursday, October 2, 2008

A day off

Well, as I stated in my mobile post yesterday, Ty was sick the night before, so we had to stay home yesterday. I wasn't terribly productive, since he was quite the Mama's boy and wanted me with him constantly, but I did manage to crank a few things out.
First off, I made a lovely little fabric "rolly" kit for my jewelry tools. Isn't she purty?
Then, since I had been promising the hubs, and I had a whole day to work on it, I made lasagne. At my house, we only get lasagne about once a year, because I not only do most of it from scratch, but I make a GINORMOUS pan of it. Literally, the pan barely fits in my oven. Here are a couple of pics to send your tastes buds through the roof. I didn't get one after it came out of the oven, but you get the idea.


  1. I'll come over for leftovers! :-)

  2. excuse me, where do you get the energy to make a rolly thingy and a giant todo in the kitchen on a day when you are NOT productive? hmm?

    bring me lasagna. I'm hungry.

  3. Hey, when you're a mom, you have to MAKE the time and energy to do stuff. Otherwise I'd live in sweatpants, have dreadlocks (which would NOT be a good look for me) and eat McDonald's every night. :)


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