Thursday, August 21, 2008

What the???

Ok, so in pondering the Halloween costume dilemma, I am leaning toward the pirate idea! I found the cutest little costume online (I know, I said I was going to MAKE his costume, but this one is really cool!). But THEN I had the brilliant thought that I should ask someone from the events committee at work what the theme was going to be for our float in the Halloween Parade this year. Yes, the town I work in (not LIVE in, that one is even smaller) is small enough that we have a HUGE Halloween parade every year, complete with theme. Now, don't get me wrong, you don't have to costume your kid per the theme. However, if your kid wants to ride on the float (god help me, this year he probably will, which means I have to ride with him....preferably in costume) it looks better if he is dressed in the theme.
This year's theme?
Dancing in the Street
What? Huh? Seriously, what the hell kind of costume FOR A BOY can I come up with to go with that? Now, on the other hand, I could get out a good disco costume for myself to go with it, but come on. Anyone have a John Travolta outfit in a size 5 I can borrow???


  1. Pirates do dance. Just check out "The Pirates of Penzance!"

  2. do boy george. husband will hate it. or prince. or any rocker in tights. yes


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