Monday, August 4, 2008

Something smells fishy here....

Once your child passes his first year, the "firsts" begin to come fewer and further between. Yesterday we had another "first". Daddy took Little Man fishing for the first time. I know, most people wouldn't consider that a milestone, but around here, its a pretty big deal. At least, Daddy and Uncle Jake sure were proud. At first, I wasn't too sure how he'd do. After I put him in the boat, he balked and wanted me to take him back out, but after a few minutes, he settled in and we pushed off. I'd have gotten better pictures if I had stayed on shore, but I'm glad I didn't, because he was so precious. He is most definitely his father's son and I have no doubt that he'll spend most of next summer on the boat (that Daddy will undoubtedly buy now) fishing with Daddy.
He watched very carefully each time the line was cast, and reveled in helping to reel it in. They hooked a nice bass while T was holding the rod, but unfortunately it got away before he could reel it in. Maybe next time.

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