Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look at me go!

4panels 005
Originally uploaded by bethanne_leach
Ok, I was trying to be conservative with my plans for last night, so my only real goal was to get the nail gun out and nail the one panel I had finished into place. However, I liked it so well that I decided to do another panel. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention and forgot to change the direction of the template, so the star wasn't going the same direction as the first one....but it still looked good. Then I remembered the "trial run" panel I made the other day. It is pointing the same direction as this new panel I made. So, I trimmed them both down and decided I would alternate directions of the stars between one panel and the next. Well, that only filled 3 of the 4 openings on the first door frame, which looked so terribly incomplete that I simply HAD to do another panel. So, FOUR, count 'em FOUR panels done, and one entire door frame. This morning I cut four more blanks to size so that I can (hopefully) get them punched tonight. Wish me luck!


  1. I really like the alternating pattern for the stars...it looks great!

  2. AWESOME! It's hard to stop once you get on a roll, isn't it? ;-)


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