Friday, July 25, 2008

Motivation is beginning to dwindle....

Ok, so its Friday afternoon, and I've had about as much as I can take for one week at the office. I'm ready to go home, open up a bottle of something alcoholic, and relax a bit. The hubs probably won't be home tonight, which means I may or may not have to cook.
Tomorrow, the teenage niece is coming over to work on her softball scrapbook (my gift to her for her high school graduation in three years), the rest of the baseboard and door casing plus a new door for my sewing room will be delivered sometime tomorrow morning. I'm still not sure where I'm going to put it, since the bed I've been trying to get rid of for the past month is still residing in my front room and hallway waiting for the person who is supposed to take it away, to do exactly that.
Tomorrow night I actually have a date with the hubby! I don't get out much, so a night out of the house is a welcome relief, especially after my ill-fated attempt to see The Dark Knight on Tuesday ended very early with a vomiting child. As a bonus, I have not only ONE but TWO new blouses to choose from for tomorrow's date. I will save one for the ZZ Top concert next month.
Sunday I basically have to clean the house.....the yard....and who knows what else.....I need a drink just thinking about it. Maybe I'll go shopping for that new stove the hubs has been promising me.....Lowe's here I come!!!
Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a good weekend. Hope it continues!
    I was SO jealous yesterday when you twitted about scrapbooking. I would SO much rather have been doing that! :-)


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