Monday, July 28, 2008

Feeling pretty good about my weekend!

Things seemed to fall in place almost magically this weekend. I got home from work Friday to find a message on my answering machine from the dealership where I bought my car. Something to the effect of "We noticed that your car (THAT I ONLY BOUGHT 2 MONTHS AGO) has been in the shop a couple of times this week....ummm...we were just wondering if everything is okay...." No. Everything is most definitely NOT okay. The ignition switch is about to die. Which means, the car won't start. But, that's another story. The part is supposed to be in today and that should fix it. If not, well, they are going to see the hateful side of this feisty Italian girl. And I can guarantee you, its not going to be pretty. That may sound like a bad thing, but its isn't. Its actually a good thing, because it means that they recognize that I am pissed and that they need to stroke my ego a bit. We'll see how far that takes us. Its good that they are aware of their predicament. Secondly, for the past month or so, my house has been a disaster area. Several things that we are getting rid of that people just haven't come by to get have been cluttering up my house, making it almost impossible to move around, let alone clean, and I have the parental units coming to visit in a couple of weeks. Friday night, it all went away. They finally took the hint and came and got it. THAT was a good omen for the weekend. Saturday, the niece came to the house so that we could work on her graduation present (she is starting her sophomore year this fall), which is a scrapbook of her varsity softball career. Yep, that's right, as a freshman, she was the starting catcher for the varsity team. That's my girl! So, before I went to pick her up, I dropped a few more things off at someone's house that have been hanging around, waiting to be delivered. The scrapbook went swimmingly well, and she loves it. YAY! I love it when a gift goes over well. We will continue to get together about every 6 months to add new pages.
While she was there, the lumber yard arrived to deliver the rest of the baseboard and moulding for the house, and the new door for my sewing room. WOO-HOO!

I also made a lovely omelet while I was waiting for all of this to take place. Would you ever have imagined that leftover That Basil Chicken and sticky rice would make such a lovely combination with eggs and cheddar cheese?

Moving on.... Since I was so proud of us for completing the softball album, I stayed motivated and finished off the last remaining pile of pages for Little Man's baby book. I had a stack of pictures from my pregnancy and his birth that I have been stuck on for months. Its done! Now I can officially put all my supplies away and save anything new for next month's crop night.

As the icing on the cake, the hubs FINALLY mowed the lawn last night (first time in a month) and I was so happy, I didn't even bitch that he didn't move my car first and the extra long blades of shed grass stuck to it like glue, especially after the nasty storm we had last night, I just hosed it off at the DIY car wash in town this morning. Damned red car....looked like a Christmas tree.


  1. That was an awesome gift for your niece! I do my scrapbooks chronologically and I'm still in 2005. Sigh.
    (Mostly because when all my high school friends turned 40, I made books for each of them -- seven total. But my scrapbookin' pal made me one with contributions from all of them.)

    Hope your car is fixed now. Isn't that the point of getting a new car?! Stupid car dealers.

  2. Wow! You made SEVEN scrapbooks for your friends? That is really something! I made one for my maid of honor when I got married, butother than this one, they are always for myself!
    Yep, car is working fine now, and its a good thing, too, I was gettnig ready tog et pissy with the dealer. Exactly my point - I bought a new car to AVOID this kind of thing!


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